Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Causes of Tiredness and How Yoga Can Help

Causes of tiredness can range from one single event like jet lag to lifestyle and mental health.

Everyone wants to have more energy. The first problem to solve is identifying the cause of extreme fatigue. The next step is finding a solution to the problem.

Yoga therapy can be a huge help with these 3 causes of excessive tiredness: (1) Lifestyle, (2) Insomnia and (3) Depression.


Stress can act as agent to wear the mind and body down. As you become more run down, what increases is a garden variety of health conditions and more tiredness. What lifestyle pattern is creating stress for you? Can you make a decision to change it?

To manage symptoms the solution is clear. Yoga has been used around the globe. While many people are tapping into yoga as a form of exercise, it can be used as wellness in holistic ways because of the balancing effect. It stimulates as well as relaxes the entire body mind.

Yoga therapy (much more than yoga as exercise) is one of the purest forms of holistic healing since its concepts and practices go deeper than managing symptoms. They get to the root of stress. Yoga is able to alleviate symptoms from virtually anything the body is enduring. And the good news is anyone has the ability to use yoga as therapy, regardless of what shape the body is in.


If you're tired during the day, have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep, try these strategies before bedtime for an insomnia cure. Have a warm bath with a few drops of lavender. Soothing music adds to the ambiance. Avoid TV and electronic gadgets 2 hours before sleep. Practice yogic breathing, that's deep breathing. Read a book; not a suspense thriller, a book on the boring side.

Regarding deep breathing, if your breath tends to be chronically short you have to correct this. Place one or both hands on your abdomen and tune in to the wave-like movement of your breath. Spend 5 to 10 minutes like this. It can help to deepen your breathing.


If you are dealing with depression one challenge is to get moving; to exercise when you don't feel like moving. If you are using conventional therapies, for sure continue to do so and practice yoga if you like yoga.

Standing poses with movement in arms and legs reduce that stuck feeling and encourage a feeling of ease and flow. Play your favorite music to energize and make your spirit rise. And when it's time for relaxation at the end, the tense and release technique might prove to give both stimulation and relaxation.

Have you found it difficult to develop a regular yoga practice? Why not start with small bite size pieces. Establish a short daily practice; no more than 30 minutes and as little as 10 minutes. The important thing is you start.

Yoga therapy is a cure for excessive tiredness caused by lifestyle, insomnia and depression. But you have to practice.

How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight Easily And Enjoyably

There are many reasons why yoga is so popular with people trying to lose weight - one of the main reasons is that it WORKS! Here are three ways that yoga helps you to start losing weight easily.

1. Yoga relaxes your body and mind.

Being overweight is an indicator that something is out of balance in your life. Excess stress is a big factor that contributes to weight gain.

Yoga is an easy way to help you relax. When you practice yoga, you bring a deep sense of relaxation to your body and your mind. As you relax, you begin to ease the stress in your life, and weight loss will begin to happen naturally.

2. Yoga assists detoxification.

Being overweight is a sign that your body is high in toxicity. Detoxifying your body can help you to lose weight for good.

When your body is toxic, it means that your detoxification organs (such as your liver and kidneys) may not be working effectively. When these organs aren't working optimally your body will tend to hold on to excess weight.

Doing yoga is an excellent place to start detoxifying your body. Yoga tones up the inner organs and helps them to work optimally again. Breathing deeply during yoga is an important part of detoxification.

There are specific poses in yoga that assist detoxification, such as yoga twists. Self massage in yoga is highly recognized in the East as a powerful tool for detoxification.

3. Yoga helps release stuck emotions.

What most weight loss experts won't tell you is that being overweight almost always has an emotional component.

In everyday life, we often address negative feelings with food or other addictions. Used in this way, food is used to numb or suppress feelings. Left unaddressed, these "pent-up" feelings can become stuck in the body.

Yoga is one tool that you can use to access and release these stuck emotions. Many people describe walking out of yoga class with an incredible feeling of lightness.

Being on the yoga mat gives you the opportunity to notice your feelings. Not only does yoga help you to notice how you're really feeling, it also helps you connect with your personal power so that you have the courage and confidence to express how you feel.

Yoga is a powerful healing tool as it aids relaxation, promotes detoxification and helps release stuck emotions. Based on my own experience, I can personally recommend yoga as a path to losing weight naturally and keeping it off for good!

Benefits of Yoga For You

Learning the benefits of yoga will make you understand that yoga is not just about the poses- it is really about how you are breathing, the mind and body connection that you feel and how it can be tailored to your specific health situation. You will look at yoga in a whole new light. Yoga helps managed your mood. Whether you are experiencing depression, menopause or just not feeling your usual self yoga can help.

Yoga is an exercise that relaxes the mind, calm the nerve and soothe the senses. It challenges your physical body in the same manner as it challenges your mental state. After a class of yoga practice, you should feel a great sense of being, being present, knowing that you took some time to get to know you again.

The Benefits of Yoga:

You might want to know that yoga really does benefit you both mind an soul.The list to all the health benefits of yoga is very extensive. The ancient practice of yoga is not just for the new age yuppies but now even medical doctors are beginning to see the benefits and are prescribing yoga for patients that might be suffering from:

• Traumatic experiences
• Insomnia
• Stress relation issues - whether it be marital relations or job related stress
• Anxiety
• Persons who cannot tolerate psychiatric medication
• Severe mood swings

And the beauty of yoga is that you go at your own pace. You do yoga for you. You are not in a class or a private session to please anyone but yourself. You listen to your body and you let it lead.

You learn to relax and let go and as you do this your practice become easier and you feel a sense of self connection when you are done. Before you know it you will become a regular yogis, practicing regular.

And once you begin to see the changes that occur in your life, whether you stop feeling so stress or you begin to sleep better or you realize just how much better your relationships have gotten, you will be hooked.

The practice of yoga balances out your moods and create a calmer version of you. You begin to notice your change and soon others around you begin to notice the change too.

By practicing each day, you soon will begin to see the benefits of yoga and how it changes your life in a very gradual and subtle way.

Kids Yoga Stories Can Benefit Your Child Immensely

They say bringing up a child is like moulding soft clay with our own hands. As a parent you therefore have to be careful about what you are teaching your child. Children are impressionable and eager to learn and if you give them the right kind of education and environment they will grow up to be strong, self-reliant individuals. Education is far from imparting bookish knowledge today, it has to be holistic in the true sense of its word and yet be simple enough for little children to enjoy the process of learning.

A great educational tool to teach kids

One such great educational tool parents can use is yoga stories. Your children need exercise and there yet has to be a child who does not love stories, so why not combine the benefits of both? Yoga stories will not only help your kids improve their health and flexibility it will spark their eager imagination senses as well. There are a lot of certified yoga trainers today who specialize in kids' yoga who say that such stories are immensely beneficial for children between the ages of two to eight.

Yoga stories are constructed in a manner to engage and encourage the children to get moving while having fun and learning all the way. Yoga stories can be practiced in a number of creative ways. Let's illustrate with an example that can be used on toddlers or young children between the ages of 3-5. Find a big bag and put in all sorts of stuffed toy animals in them. You can then ask each child to speak about a visit to a zoo and weave it in a story format.

Each child gets to pick toy animal and mimic its pose. A yoga expert who has to supervise this activity will see that the child does each pose correctly. Before you know it you will find that the kids are having a whale of time acting out the story and letting their imaginations go wild! There are several such yoga places that conduct special programs like the ones mentioned above. Such stories teach young minds not just about animals, but about different people, places and cultures.

Develops physical and creative capabilities of a child

Learning yoga in a creative way like this will help the kids develop an awareness about their bodies and improve their motor skills. The focus of this innovative way of learning is not to teach children about the perfect yogic postures, it is about promoting an attitude of kindness and gratitude. Through such programs children learn the benefits of sharing, cooperation and acceptance.

It has been noticed that children who learn through yoga stories are able to build their strength and flexibility over time. These kids are much less prone to throwing tantrums and turn out to be relaxed and calm as well as develop a keen sense of confidence and self-expression.

If you are a parent who is encouraging your kids to learn through yoga stories, do not pressure your kids to learn perfect postures or to focus on things such as losing weight. You should just encourage them to have fun in the best way they can.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Yoga and Health Benefits

Most people who actually benefit from Yoga are those who practice, and continue to practice. Often times beginners try Yoga once and never again. They do not see how doing stretches or putting their body in uncomfortable poses helps their life. Here are 5 reasons why us Yoga lovers love the practice:

1. Yoga Relaxes:

When you practice yoga, your full attention is required. The practice allows you to detach from your long, hard day and turn in. For an hour or so, your practice requires you to be in the present moment. Most of the day, we are busy working, or making plans, or thinking about where we need to go, what we need to do... During this hour or so, your mind must focus and detach from all those things that you did or have to do because in order to do any pose, or listen to the instructor's direction, you need to pay attention. By leaving your work load behind or skipping through your thoughts about your "must do's," for that hour, you are clearing your mind. When your mind is clear, you can better reflect on the past, plan your future, and enjoy your present moment.

2. Yoga Strengthens the Body:

Yoga is workout - Of The Mind! There is no doubt that Yoga postures and poses strengthen your muscles and help you lose weight and manage cellulite. It also depends on how often you practice (on and off your mat). Practicing on a regular basis will strengthen those more than others. Yoga allows you to learn about your own body. Which poses can you do? Which poses do you like or dislike? It teaches you your physical limitations, physical capabilities, and physical preferences. How can you strengthen your body without first learning about your very own first? By practicing, you are able to find out if you are a back-bender, arm balancer, or both! I can tell you, I never considered myself flexible before I began to practice Yoga. Over time, I discovered that I am much more flexible than I thought (in my body and my mind)! Being flexible and open in the mind, allows you to be flexible and open in your body. Try it, you have everything to gain.

3. Yoga Strengthens the Mind:

Simple- "Healthy Body = Healthy Mind." Yoga offers us the tools that help us think clearly. You say, "How can going upside down help me clear my mind?" Well, actually, going upside down reverses your blood flow to your brain which washes out the old and pumps the new and fresh. Besides that, the practice of Yoga (asana) has everything to take with you off your mat. For example, as you practice, one goal is to keep your body engaged, yet soft. We call this Sthira-Sukha. (Sthira - Firm and Alert) and (Sukha- Ease and without Tension). Sound like a piece of cake? Think again. Our practice helps us to find this balance because by finding this balance, we can advance our practice. Otherwise, poses simply remain poses. Think about how this could benefit life outside your mat. In your workplace, employers favor those who have the ability to lead, be strong and firm, speak up, be quick (qualities that Sthira brings) BUT- they also need those who remain calm during crisis, have problem-solving abilities, are polite, communicate well with others (qualities that Sukha brings). Wouldn't having both benefit you in your work place? Absolutely.

4. Yoga Teaches you to Prevent:

Not only does Yoga help you reflect and sort out all of your issues (even the ones you did not realize you had), but it also helps you to prevent future problems in your life. Yoga enhances your thinking skills. Sometimes, we like to do things over and over again and hope or expect a different result each time (definition of insanity). I know that I am guilty of it as well! Yoga practice is that little light bulb that pops in your head and tells you, "hey, maybe I should try something different since this clearly is not working." So, you may ask, "how can doing a yoga pose possibly help me with this!?" Here is why: Since the poses teach you about your body, they also teach you how far you can go or if perhaps you have gone too far. If your body does not feel good in a pose or causes you pain, you are asked to COME OUT and try a different or modified pose that is better for your body. See the connection? A lot of times these concepts are not even noticed. We begin to say, "Yoga feels good, puts me in a better mood, changed my life.. etc" It is because as we begin to practice, we begin to recognize the things that are getting in our way and we recognize them more quickly than before, then by having a clear mind, we take action. Over time, this becomes a prevention tool.

5. Yoga Changes Old Habits:

You know those bad habits you have and find a very hard time stepping away from them? Well, here is where Yoga can help you in that area of your life. Yoga practice makes you recognize all sorts of things about yourself that you did not know. Simply because, as mentioned before, it requires your full attention. Once you learn about yourself, you recognize your habits (the good and bad ones). As you may know, the first step in changing anything is recognizing the problem. In this case, recognizing your bad habits. Sometimes we are not fully aware of our habits. So how can we change them if we do not even know we have them? By practicing Yoga, we learn about our body, preferences, and our health. Naturally, paying close attention to ourselves is like studying our own self and seeing ourself through the eyes of the world outside of us. This is not so easy to do, especially if we are so caught up in our stressful and busy lives. As we practice over time, we become extremely sensitive to notice everything about ourselves and that is when we clearly recognize our habits. To go into more depth, we begin to recognize how we could possibly make our habits better or shift things in other areas to help balance out the things that we cannot change. For example, excessive smokers or drinkers who wish they could stop their habits may find it almost impossible to let go. Working with your body, over time teaches the concept of "letting go of that which does not serve me." Over time, with practice and most importantly commitment, change will come and it will come naturally.


An Insider Look at Workplace Wellness Through YOGA: How Yoga Boosts Productivity and Performance

In today's busy business world, staff and managers continue to push harder and faster in hopes of achieving more. But does more effort and constant pressure really drive better business results? Research shows the opposite, revealing that employees who are calm, centred and focused are more creative, more productive, better communicators and become better leaders. Workplace wellness is proving crucial to improving performance. Yoga has taken hold of the business world as it offers a fun, convenient and affordable way to enhance company wellness, helping staff and managers ease stress, tame their emotions, sharpen their minds, improve productivity and boost performance.

Q: Why are companies bringing in yoga?

A: Research shows that for every dollar a company invests in wellness, it saves $3. That is a 200% ROI. Nowadays more companies are realizing that constantly pushing harder and faster actually sabotages productivity and performance. What boosts results is wellness and so, a long list of companies has launched initiatives to nourish their staff's wellness. When they do, they are seeing that people make better decisions, communicate better, are more focused and more productive. Yoga is popular because it is fun, effective and affordable, it can be tailored to any skill level and it also provides helpful tools and insights staff and managers can use on their own.

Q: What's the biggest frustration companies are seeing today with their staff?

A: Managers I speak to say they are frustrated because it has become harder to keep great talent. Employees are stressed and overwhelmed. Burnout and absenteeism are on the rise. And today, if they're not happy, great employees may just quit and join the competition. What employees are looking for today is a workplace where they feel valued, and a workplace that takes care of them in which they can thrive. If the corporate atmosphere is one of stress or pressure, if work is draining, people lose motivation, they burnout, they stop showing up, or they quit. We are seeing a complete change in what people want from their work and companies are now launching initiatives to promote wellness and make their company more attractive to job seekers. It is good for employees, good for the company and good for the shareholders. Employee wellness is now a strategic corporate objective because it pays off.

Q: So why do people hire you to teach yoga in their offices?

A: My classes have become popular with Montreal companies because I distill yoga into practical tools and principles for busy business people. I take out the mumbo jumbo and "yoga talk" and make yoga into something anyone can use and understand. My classes aim to help staff and managers gain real skills that translate into better results. I have a Master's in International Communications and used to work in the corporate world, so I know precisely what it is like to be busy, stressed, struggling and need practical help that can be put into practice immediately to get more with less effort.

Q: What are the greatest benefits staff and managers receive from yoga?

A: What I hear most is that yoga allowed them to release stress and tension. They say they are calmer and more focused, and some say the corporate atmosphere actually changes when yoga classes are offered.

Companies who foster wellness see tangible benefits in employee performance, and yoga may be the most effective and affordable way to promote wellness in staff and managers. Best of all it's fun and employees love it.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Best yoga music Online Playlist - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.4 (Full Album)

Journey to the Heart IV "Music For Massage" is the fourth in a series of healing music releases intended to heal the Mind, Body & Spirit. It's a voyage to the inner places of calm, comfort and contentment that will transport the listener to a safe, secure and relaxing place. Music for Massage has been designed to assist the listener and massage practitioners to be open to being relaxed, rejuvenated, invigorated and healed. 
This series is refreshing and magnificently performed to compliment the massage and it's deeper forms such as Shiatsu, Thai, Rolfing, and Hellerwork, during or after a treatment. Relaxation and sense of well-being can be sought through many paths and this CD can help one to be open and fully receptive to healing and revitalization. A musical travelogue to places both geographically far away, Music for Massage draws inspiration from many artists, cultures and traditions that include Kitaro, Dave Eggar, Benedetti & Svoboba, Uma, Luis Villegas, and Yu-Xiao Guang.
Song List
01. Linden - Yu-Xiao Guang 
02. Grace - Uma 
03. Dr. Sun & Ching-Ling - Kitaro 
04. Peace Within - Bendetti & Svoboda 
05. Rebirth - Lee Blaske 
06. Aqua Blue - Shinji 
07. Air - Steve Anderson 
08. Itonami - Kitaro 
09. The Embrace - Dave Eggar 
10. Inside - Luis Villegas


Best yoga music Online Playlist - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.3 (Full Album)

Journey to the Heart III "Music for Healing" is the third in a series of healing music releases that focuses on the Mind, Body & Spirit. Kitaro, Dave Eggar, Benedetti & Svoboba, Uma and Nawang Khechog as well as many others have contributed tracks to this thematic compilation. With its many flavors and endless colors, this collection is a magical trek that will sooth, calm and uplift the mind and heart with a wide range of cavalcade artists and critically acclaimed music. 
"Music for Healing" is an evocative, enriching journey with a vision of interactivity to transport toward the calm of the inner self.

Song List

01. Tabili - Kitaro 
02. Dark Passage - Dave Eggar 
03. Garden Of Love - Uma 
04. Ocean Of Wisdom - Hawang Khechog 
05. Wind-Borne Seeds - Shinji 
06. Sueno - Benedetti & Sveboda 
07. Bahia Breeze - Steve Reid 
08. Satobiki - Kitaro 
09. The Fragile Dawn - Lee Blaske 
10. Beau Soi - Steve Anderson 
11. Silk Road - Yu-Xiao Guang

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Best yoga music Online Playlist - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.2 (Full Album)

Best yoga music Online Playlist  - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.2 (Full Album)

Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.2 "Music for Meditation" is the second in a series of healing music releases that focuses on the Mind, Body & Spirit. Dave Eggar, Kitaro, Uma, and Luis Perez as well as many others have contributed tracks to this thematic compilation. With it's many flavors and endless colors, this collection is a magical trek that will sooth, calm and uplift the mind and heart with a wide range of cavalcade artists and critically acclaimed music. 
"Music for Meditation" is an evocative, enriching journey with a vision of interactivity to transport toward the calm of the inner self. This CD is also available in full length DVD with evocative nature imagery.

Song List

01. Joy - Uma 
02. Nageki - Kitaro 
03. Song Without Words - Mendelssohn 
04. Aurora's Dream - Luis Perez 
05. A Drop Of Silence - Kitaro 
06. The Guardian Angel - Shinji 
07. Through The Mirror - Lee Blaske 
08. Peace - Yu-Xiao Guang 
09. Brittle Cloud - Dave Eggar

Best yoga music Online Playlist - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.1 (Full Album)

Best yoga music Online Playlist  - Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.1 (Full Album)

Music For Yoga - Journey To The Heart vol.1 is the first in a series of healing music releases for the Mind, Body & Spirit.  Kitaro, and Dave Eggar as well as many others have contributed tracks to this thematic compilation.  With it's many flavors and endless colors, this collection is a magical trek that will sooth, calm and uplift the mind and heart with a wide range of cavalcade artists and critically acclaimed music.  This CD is also available in full length DVD with evocative nature imagery.

Song List
01.  Planet - Kitaro 

02.  Sleeping Woman - Luis Perez 

03.  Peace Through Kindness - Nawang Khechog 

04.  Claire De Lune - Debussy 

05.  Dawn Of A Forest - Shinui 

06.  40800 - Yu-Xiao Guang 

07.  Rune - Dave Eggar 

08.  Stream - Kitaro

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Yoga For Cancer

Most people consider yoga to be mostly a weight loss and maintenance program, but the fact is that this ancient mind-body health system can work wonders for cancer patients. This fairly recent trend of including yoga in a holistic cancer treatment package owing to its therapeutic properties, is being well-received the world over with proven results.

Perhaps even worse than the physical discomfort of a cancer patient, is the effect the disease has on their emotional and mental being. Dealing with a life-altering situation coupled with so much negativity cancer brings in, it is only natural that most patients often go into anxiety mode and are highly stressed out.

This is where Yoga comes in. Tending mainly to improve the psychological well-being of the patient, the results also showed its physiological benefits.

As per a study conducted at the University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center, 61 women who had undergone a breast cancer surgery were divided into two test groups. One group was given the regular cancer treatment, the other in addition to this, was also put in a twice-a-week yoga program. After the six weeks test period, it was reported that the second group who had participated in the yoga program showed a better recovery rate and an improved overall sense of well-being.

How Can Yoga Help With Cancer

Yoga speeds recovery - While the placebo effect cannot really qualify as modern-day medicine, but it definitely aids the efficacy of medicines and therapy. The very basic proposition from which yoga stems is that the mind and body can be aligned to become one, which is why an imbalance in one would have an adverse effect on the other. Since yoga brings in tranquility of the mind, its effects can be seen on the physical recovery process too.

Yoga helps to cope with the situation- Any mindfulness-based therapeutic program such as yoga would have a drastic effect on someone who suffers from chronic stress and anxiety. Dealing with cancer and chemotherapy is one of the most stressful times in the life of a cancer patient. The body goes through a lot of changes, from fatigue to hair loss, and these changes affect the patient not only on a physical but more on an emotional and mental level. Through yoga asanas and approved breathing techniques, cancer patients find it a lot easier to release the tension and let go of the stress and constant rumination.

In fact, not just patients even cancer survivors are being recommended by doctors to enroll in specific yoga classes. Maybe the worst is already over but it is reported that for most breast cancer survivors, the horrors of the past still linger on and they often cocoon themselves away from the world. Furthermore, the discomfort does not entirely end with having beaten cancer, the body is still weak and the mind weaker. Practicing yoga would then help them to condition their minds to make peace with the past and move on with renewed vigor.

Yoga is also for the body- In terms of the physical benefits, yoga practitioners generally only rave about the weight loss or management part. But truth be told, yoga has some profound effects on the body in the form of controlling blood pressure, metabolism, body temperature, breathing, and even skin resistance.

Such benefits greatly help cancer patients and also give a boost to routine medical treatment. Although some attribute the change to being purely pseudo scientific, still the positive effects cannot be ignored.

Is Yoga For Cancer Any Different Than Regular Yoga

While the basic principle of yoga remains the same, today there are various different versions and interpretation adopted by yogis. Each of these versions is more of an addition made to the original concept of yoga.

For cancer patients and survivors, there are patient or group-specific types of yoga sessions. Since the body of a cancer survivor goes through a lot throughout therapy, it then becomes necessary to ensure that the asanas and pranayama does not cause any discomfort or exert the body too much. Tailor-made gentle yoga helps to get rid of all the toxin build up from the treatment too, in addition to dissipating tension, stress and anxiety.

Yoga for cancer goes beyond the conventional asanas and breathing techniques. Doubling up as a group therapy session, clinics and yoga centers combine positive self-help therapies such as group discussion, one-on-one counseling, and even partner projects where two patients who have gone through similar scenarios are put together to help each other emotionally.

Although, there is no concrete scientific proof that yoga does help cancer patients and survivors. However, going by the positive effects of yoga in general and empirical observations in patients, it is safe to assume that yoga does to a great extent help patients to deal with the disease both during and after.

Identify The Real Meaning Of Yoga By Going For A Yoga Teacher Training Course

If you are experiencing the art of yoga from the past few years and want to take your yoga practice to a different stage, then finding a yoga teacher training course is the perfect decision for you. Yoga teachers are doing an amazing job in making others realize the real purpose of life. If you have recognized your transformation naturally and want to disperse this feeling to others, then becoming a yoga instructor can make you perform your real intention. Before you begin with your training, there are certain vital factors to make out. The level of yoga teacher training has increased to a great level and therefore, it is obligatory to identify different credibility of the training courses, so that you can excel in your initiative to become an eminent yoga teacher. Let's see what the things are that you should examine before joining a yoga teacher training course.

Training potential

All the training courses have their own advantages, but they can be distinguished on the basis of their intensities. Both online and offline courses are feasible these days, but online training to some an extent does not prove to be fruitful because there's no interaction between the instructor and the learner.

Begin from the yoga basics

Initiate with a training course that offer best beginning courses. If your foundation is not strong, the result will not favour your intention. Join a course that give emphasis on the initial courses or provide training for the fundamental aspects of yoga. A direct plunge to advanced courses will be a drawback for you as you will not be able to make your own students understand the importance of yoga basics.

Reliability of certification

Most of the people rush towards training courses with an intention to receive the final certification rewarded at the accomplishment of yoga training course. There is a great importance of certification in the life of a yoga instructor. Even you will want your yoga trainer to be certified with an authority. However, without a reliable certification all your efforts are simply a waste. Your certification is an instrument to draw students to your yoga studio. So, never invest your money in a yoga teacher training course that does not provide an authentic yoga certification. Hunt for the finest certified training courses for your bright career.

Experience of the instructors

Lastly, but most importantly, make sure that your mentor is experienced and well qualified. Your interaction with the teacher should be healthy and straightforward.

Give time to your research work, so that you many end with some of the best choices of yoga teacher training courses. In this way, you can have the most appropriate training course motivating your skills and taking out the best from you. Yoga is a great form of exercise which can help you in staying healthy for the rest of your life.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Real Tour To Yoga And Its Various Facets

You all must have heard about 'yoga', but what Indian Yoga is all about? Yoga is basically a healing science which was first time discovered in India and then perpetuated to other countries of the world. The term 'yoga' was extracted from a Sanskrit word 'yuj' means 'union'. The birth of yoga in India took place during the golden era and was originated as a mode of spiritual attainment. Yoga was established by Sage Patanjali in the exotic city of Rishikesh around 5000 years ago, which is regarded as the 'city of yoga'. Rishikesh is a beautiful and stunning city situated at the substratum of Himalayas on the banks of the river Ganges.

Patanjali, father of yoga has described it as the respite of consciousness. The key objective of yoga is the self-exploration. In ancient times, when people used to live their life in a yogic way, good and positive health was the essential outcomes of their style of living. But, with the passage of time as the health of man started degenerating, yoga gained the tag of therapeutic science. Father of yoga, Patanjali clearly mentioned in his preaching that physical illness is not just because of diseases, but to a large extent it is also caused due to reduction in moral standards.

Indian yoga is a primeval system of exercise, relaxation and healing with its roots in Indian philosophy. Today, yoga practices are popular all around the globe and address the physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being of an individual. From the time immemorial, yoga has been curing the ailments of people and the trend is still growing as it is considered to be the best alternative medicine. Yoga is an amalgamation of physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation and therefore, the premier choice for individuals.

Well, according to popular ideology the basic goal of yoga is purification. It is accepted that human body is suffused with large number of impurities that hinder the peace of mind and make inner soul impure. The great yogi gurus realized the repercussion of inner impurities and therefore, took the shelter of yoga to attain peace of mind. The purification of body, mind and soul is the actual definition of yoga from the books of Indian philosophy. There are various things which one must consider in order to check out the hidden worth of yoga. You must practice it regularly to stay fit and healthy for a long period of time.

In the present contemporary era, yoga has become an inseparable part of the society. Each and every citizen of the country is involved in this practice by contributing some quality time to yoga practice from their tight schedule. This helps in relieving stress and retaining the ease and happiness of life. Positive approach enhanced working capacity and good moral values are some of the benefits of yoga.

Did You Know That Yoga Does This Weird Thing to Your Body?

Did you know that Yoga could do this to your body?

Have you ever heard of someone practicing yoga and experiencing better sleep, getting sick way less often, or just flat out feeling better and more relaxed? You're not the only one! But, if you try telling a newbie how it works you might see that saying things like, "it increases the flow of prana" or "it lifts energy up your spine" ignites a look in their eyes like you're in a weird cult...

The medical world is working to try and shed some light on these claims to try and figure out why exactly Yoga does so many great things for your body. I think that, once you understand a little more about how it works, you'll find yourself on a yoga mat in no time!


Increasing your flexibility is one of the first things that you'll notice after you start practicing Yoga. At first you may not be able to put your palms to the floor, but after a bit of practice you'll get there! Those seemingly impossible poses become more obtainable and eventually you'll be able to do a headstand without a problem.

As your flexibility increases, you'll notice that aches and pains start to disappear. Tight muscles that inhibit the positioning of proper posture can pull you into positions that your body doesn't like, giving you the aches and pains. After loosening them and strengthening the posture, things lay where they're supposed to and it feels better.


Strong muscles do more than look good, they also protect us from conditions like back pain and arthritis! Strength that you build through Yoga is balanced with flexibility and balance instead of doing it at the expense of flexibility with just weights.

Back & Neck Strain

When you balance your head atop of your spine correctly, it's a lot easier for your body to hold up! As you slump over, your body may compensate and flatten the inward curves in your neck and lower back, which can cause pain and degenerative arthritis in the spine.


When you're doing Yoga, you take your joints through a full range of motion; thus preventing damage from degenerative arthritis as well as lubing up areas of cartilage that might not usually get any attention. This squeezing of the nutrients and soaking of new nutrients helps areas of cartilage that may eventually wear out!

The Spine

You have disks in your spine that are like mini shock absorbers between the vertebrae and they crave movement! Without it they have no way of getting their nutrients! Keep your disks in good shape with a lot of bending movements.

Bone Density

Your bones need a workout too! Any weight bearing exercise will do, but most people don't think too much of Yoga when it comes to this. Well your body is the weight when it comes to Yoga and it's just what your body likes to lift (or at least it will learn to like it).

These are just a fine few of the hundreds of benefits you get from practicing Yoga.

Find a great Yoga Studio near you today and get started! It's not as intimidating as you think!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dividends Of Yoga Teacher Training Courses For Sincere Yoga Enthusiasts

Yoga has become an integrated part of modern lifestyle. It helps the people to gain self-control, self-awareness and self-discipline. Passionate individuals having high inclination towards this ancient art look forward to gain yogic wisdom from insightful yoga instructors. If you are sincere about your career as a yoga teacher, then get informed with a right yoga teacher training course that treats your budget as well as personal goals well. Whether you are an experienced teacher, or want to obtain certification, yoga training programs are a reserve for nurturing your teaching techniques and extending your intelligence of the practice.

Through consistent training in yoga, you get a chance to improve the lives of people who are suffering from miseries of life. Service is an essential aspect of yoga and by joining efficient training programs you get a favourable opportunity to diffuse your yogic knowledge to millions of people. But remember, not every teacher training program is going to proffer you the same advantages as you are looking for. There are a number of choices to rule the world, find the one that fits your needs.

Yoga is a method of learning about oneself and exposing to one's fullest potential. Yoga training courses help the individuals to expand the awareness of yoga, thereby transforming the lives of many. The training centres help you to embrace these great aspects and facilitate your way to become an extraordinary yoga teacher. For your personal growth, yoga training centres are highly crucial. An active participation in this program will boost up your actual transformation as you will be exposed to all the aspects of yoga by your constant personal practice. The training programs reward the participants with a refined, expanded, and deepened approach towards teaching yoga. Basically, you are giving your personal time in the training programs to gain competency. You get the best instructions on how to share this insightful and helpful practice with others.

Yoga is a journey of self-realization and by landing on the teacher training centres, you eventually get an opportunity to realize how to share, grow and expand this amazing healing art of yoga with the desired people. A committed yoga practice is going to take you very high if you are determined to become a yoga teacher. The yoga teacher training prepares you to teach the ancient art with confidence, creativity and competence in a methodical manner. The programs do not centralize on a single yoga style rather it clears your path of becoming a yoga teacher by consistently delivering the knowledge and skills to evolve you as a better yoga teacher. If your foundation is strong, then you can easily make others recognize the worth of yoga. Whether your real intentions towards joining a teacher training program is to make a way of living or just to spread the prosperity of yoga, you need a 'guru' or teacher, so that you can work on your weaker aspects.

What Are The Advantages Of Family Yoga?

Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual practice with its origin in ancient India. While yoga in ancient days mainly focused on attaining a "union with the divine", it became popular as a physical exercise from the 1980s. Recent studies suggest that yoga is effective when it comes to preventing asthma, schizophrenia, cancer and heart diseases.

This is the reason doctors ask their patients to rely more on regular yoga exercises than allopathic medicines. Many health reports also reveal that families practicing yoga together are happier and healthier. Therefore, we can say that family yoga has better effects on both the mind and the body than individual yoga exercises.

So, why should you take up yoga with your family? Here are some of its advantages you need to keep in mind:

#1. Better Communication: Families which take up yoga together soon realize that they are interacting well with each other. Why is it so? Both parents and children get some quality time to open their hearts out, and speak about the current happenings in their lives. This communication glues them together in a tighter bond.

#2. Lowers Down Stress: Yoga acts as a great stress buster. If you had a bad day at the office or your kids had tough times with their homework, then yoga is effective in making all of you feel a lot calmer and focused. In this way, you will get the strength to take on all your problems with ease.

#3. Improved Body Awareness: Yoga can help you become more aware of your body movements. Every member of your family will have a body that is stronger and more flexible. Moreover, it will become easier for you to have a better body balance.

#4. Good Sleep: Sleeping is extremely essential for a healthy life. And family yoga helps a person sleep better. The mind-body exercises (such as, the breathing techniques) associated with family yoga relax the mind instantly. A good night sleep refreshes the mind, and helps it focus in a clearer way.

#5. Keeps the Body Cool: Researches show that yoga exercises help to keep the body cool in warm temperatures. So, is there a better way to beat the heat together with your family? With yoga, no member of your family will have to depend on cold water or aerated drinks.


It is important for you and your family members to know about the health improvements. With Family Practice EHR Software, you can track down the improvement rates of your family members with the blink of an eye. Moreover, this software can also help you track other health-related problems of your family in an organized and efficient way.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Inherit Some Of The Major Advantages Of Online Yoga Teacher Training

The benefits of yoga teacher training are ceaseless and to reveal all of them, you need to do a lot of research work that will aid you in gaining a tight grip over the subject. Basically, there are two modes of attending the yoga classes and for your knowledge, both the methods are highly beneficial and convenient. The first method is the conventional way of admitting yourself to an institute and attending classes regularly for overall development and ultimately, after the pre-decided time frame, you'll become a certified yoga teacher. On the other hand, the second mode is the online medium, which is an innovative and contemporary way to grasp the yoga teachings. In this method, the advantages are much high in comparison to traditional method.

Still, most of the people are not aware about the benefits of joining an online yoga teacher training program. The online mode is meant for all your requirements with endless benefits for your yoga course. But, there are certain points that you should consider and then come to a conclusion what to choose and what not.

• You can attend the online classes whenever you feel like. You are not bound to be a part of the class at a particular time slot. Follow the classes according to your time considerations. No limit is set for the classes, you can attend them after completing your household chores or official work.

• Online yoga teacher training programs will assist you with potential DVDs and other important stuff which are recommended for good reference purpose. Through DVDs you can watch each and every step deeply and can work on them at your own pace.

• As you are practicing yoga online, so you get an opportunity to think of certification that will lead you to become a professional yoga trainer.

• By choosing the online medium, you can also conserve a lot of money that otherwise you will have to invest on transportation, books, food, etc. If you take admission in a yoga school or any institute, all these expenses are surely going to cross your way.

• Yes, online yoga courses are a bit difficult, but through your dedication and strength you can definitely win over this course. In addition, your health can also be improved a lot. Your life will become a haven, loaded with happiness and satisfaction. A positive energy will surround you with a peaceful body and soul.

• For any sort of help, you can contact the online yoga trainer at any possible time.

So, these were some of the advantages of choosing online yoga teacher training program. After the accomplishment of training, you'll be privileged with a certification and that will be the proof of your professionalism and knowledge of yoga. You can apply in any premier yoga studio as a yoga trainer and can make handsome amount of money by spreading the knowledge of wellness through yoga.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Health Benefits Of Yoga That Have Challenged The Medical Science

If you are a dedicated yoga practitioner, you must have noticed how the yoga works for our body. Like good sleeping habits, mild chances of getting cold, a better state of relaxation and many more. It is a great practice that has contributed a lot in improving the health of a person, whether it is pains and aches, or a consistent sickness. If you are aware of these health benefits of yoga, then surely you will feel disposed to sit on your mat with high concentration and dedication. People from all walks of life are taking the advantages of this amazing art. Looking fit and living fit is the right of every person and to make it happen, this divine practice plays a crucial role.

Let's explore its health benefits and see how this practice has altered the lives of people in an impactful manner.

Improved sleeping habits

Do you know that a proper sleep plays a pivotal role in enhancing your health? Yes, bad sleep offers ill-effects on the body and therefore, yoga can be a true help. Practicing this art few hours a day will improve the sleeping habits. It's true!

Better circulation of body fluids

You can have better and improved blood circulation through this ancient practice. By transmitting oxygen and other essential nutrients throughout your body, yogic practices redefine the health of skin, organs and brain.

Respiratory benefits

Just like the circulatory system, respiratory system too is worked out by yoga. It decreases the respiratory rate and therefore, indicating that your overall health is fine. Talk to your doctor in case you are experiencing any issues.

Immune system

Immunity is responsible for fighting against any disease. A stronger immune system promotes better health and a sound body. An uninterrupted practice of this healing art will keep your immunity strong throughout your life.

Pain tolerance ability

It is a proven thing that people who are used to meditation and other allied practices have higher pain tolerance ability in comparison to others. Further, the practice also relieves the person from issues like chronic pain, back pain, etc.


A balanced metabolism is responsible for a healthy body weight and controlled hunger. A regular practice will foster efficient metabolism.

Pulse rate

Pulse rate decides the flow of blood to your heart. A slow pulse rate is ideal for good flow of blood and this is also achieved by yogic practice.

So, these were some of the health benefits of yoga which are highly facilitating and beneficial for individuals. The mentioned benefits are for your inner body, many benefits are lined up that are responsible for your overall fitness. Some of the aspects like strength, posture, aging, energy, and weight can be worked out effectively through regular practice. So, if you have not started with this healing art, get going and start improving your health the moment itself.

12 Tips for a Daily Home Yoga Practice That Help Reduce Stress

Yoga is personal. Enhance your daily yoga practice by following a few of the simple tips for setting up a home yoga practice. These are general tips that support you during a morning or evening practice. Talk with your yoga teacher or a yoga therapist to help you build a home practice that helps you on the path towards your specific goals.

1. Get a good night's rest

2. Practice on an empty stomach

3. Drink water throughout the day

4. Practice in a calm environment

5. Keep your mat clean

6. Set an intention at the beginning

7. Allow time for integration at the end

8. Use the complete breath or ujaii breath

9. Stop if you feel pain

10. Turn off the cell phone during practice

11. Practice at the same time each day

12. Meditate before or after your practice

Sometimes you are just too busy to practice in the morning. Don't become frustrated about it. Take time to consider what your yoga practice really means to you. If you have the intention to make your practice part of your day, you can do it in stages.

Starting with just preparing the area where you plan to practice. And leave it setup (if possible) so that you see it as part of your environment. Sit down on your mat for ten to fifteen minutes as time permits and just close your eyes and breathe. In those precious moments on your mat you may come to realize your intention and fully commit to sitting again tomorrow.

We know that all stress is not all bad. We can learn through yoga to balance the stress response within the body. One aspect of yoga that helps with this is called listening to the body. We usually get signals from the body when stress levels are about to rise. And with regular yoga practice we learn not to ignore these signals.

One of our most powerful tools for responding to stress is the breath. The breath usually signals the onset of stress when it becomes shallow inside the upper chest. This can be countered with a deeper breath that extends into the lower abdomen. Longer exhales also enable the body to signal the relaxation response. In most yoga practices the breathing techniques are as important as the asana (postures). And learning to use the breath to offset stress is one of the many benefits to a regular yoga practice. The time you spend on your mat at home taking calming deeper breaths is time well spent to help you release stress from the body.

Making yoga part of your daily life is a process that takes practice. But with time, commitment and action before you know it your yoga practice becomes something you look forward to each day.

Friday, February 28, 2014

4 Important Yoga Essentials

Yoga is an ancient form of meditation that focuses on both your mind and body's well-being. It has been in practice since countless millennia and practitioners swear by its benefits. Based on its efficiency and word of mouth, countless yoga classes have sprung at various locations in the world. If you want to enjoy the full benefits of yoga, it is recommended that you join an expert yoga coaching class. But before you do that, ensure that you have the basic yoga essentials in place.

We've listed 4 yoga essentials that will make your journey into the world of yoga a blissful one.

Four important yoga essentials

1. Comfortable clothing

Yoga is all about breathing right. Inhaling and exhaling form the basic premise of yoga. You need to wear the right kind of clothes when you perform the asanas. Tight fitting clothes can make it difficult for you to breathe and perform the asanas comfortably. Instead opt for organic clothing that is loose and comfortable and helps you and your body breathe easy.

Organic bamboo tees and tracks are most often the preferred choice because it is a breathe easy material that also absorbs the sweat quickly. You can always order one online from a well established yoga materials supplier.

2. Towel

Towels are a must have for any exercise situation. Use organic bamboo hand towels to wipe the excess sweat. These towels also double up as a support for your yoga exercises. While most classes offer a towel, it is always advisable to carry your own supply because you are sure of the hygiene factors.

3. Mats

Yoga mats are an integral part of your yoga training. It gives a solid foundation for your sitting exercises. You can always buy a strong and durable yoga mat from a natural lifestyle retailer. Make sure that your mat is made up of good quality fabric and fiber to give you a strong grip. Choose a standard yoga mat or the one according to your height & size. There are a lot many choices available when it comes to colors. Your trainer may even recommend one based on his/her experience.

4. Straps

Some poses may require extensive stretching and novice students may find it difficult to execute. To aid them, there are straps available. If you are a newbie in yoga training, it is preferable to equip yourself with some stretchable straps that allow you to perform difficult asanas. They are made of cotton and are very useful in holding up poses for an extended time. You can also get good quality yoga belts to aid you in your exercise.Yoga essentials will ensure that you get the maximum benefit of your yoga training.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Learn 'The American Yoga' in 2014

Many different philosophies s and cultures have left their mark in yoga practices and today practicing yoga has become an inevitable part of a modern lifestyle.

But the million dollar question is still unanswered. What is the American Yoga? And why I am recommending you to learn this form of yoga in the New Year? Read on.

A Native American yoga teacher, John Friend founded a modern version of Hatha Yoga known as an Anusara Yoga in 1997. He derived this yoga style from elements of other yoga forms including Iyengar, Hatha Yoga and Hindu spirituality and philosophy (Asana). As it was originated by an American yoga instructor, it is a word famous as the American Yoga.

Explore the power of Anusara Yoga

Anusara is more focused on physical health benefits. Friend has also established a private corporation called Anusara Inc., where all instructors are certified. But there are many yoga studios in Zurich that house certified Anusara yoga teacher.

The word Anusara is basically a Sanskrit word which means 'natural state of condition' and Friend has settled to the meaning of 'flowing with nature', 'flowing with grace', and 'following your heart'.

The Yoga form mainly emphasizes on intrinsic goodness. The primary goal of learning Anusara yoga is obtained co-operation with the supreme or set ideal alignment with your divine soul. This basic comprehensive is derived from celebrating the beauty in all its diversity and honour and celebrating the innovative privilege of freedom shared by all beings.

The students of Anusara yoga are mainly those seeking an alternative for self-improvement. And in the last few years, this yoga style has become one of the most practiced yoga styles of the world.

Fundamental elements of Anusara Yoga

Five universal principles of alignment link all physical asana (poses) to the practice of Anusara Yoga. While making a pose, Anusara yoga learners improve their poses by abiding the five principles in order as discussed below.

Open to grace - set accord with the supreme flow. Obtain an attitude of devotion and open-mindedness is a must.
Physical Energy - It refers to the muscular energy in your body. The concept is to fetch energy from the outer edge of your body and center it in the focal point of your body. It will result in higher strength and stability of practicing asana.
Inner Spiral - It functions to expand energy within you. Rotate your legs inward, shift back your thighs, open out the pelvis and spin the forearms inward.
Outer Spiral - exactly contradictory to inner spiral, it asks you to bring closer thighs and pelvis, moving the tailbone forward, and rotating the legs outward. For arms, spin the upper arms outward and make sure to keep both arms away from each other while practicing.
Organic Energy - the aim is to drag energy from the body center to the outer edge of the body to enhance your flexibility and expansion capability while performing the asana.

Want to know more about Anusara Yoga and its health benefits? Why don't you visit a good Anusara yoga studio in your city?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yoga Teacher Training - Get To Know The Infinite Possibilities Within Yourself

Yoga is a powerful remedy that has been curing the people from ages with its origin in India. The science of yoga has its own importance and by attaining proper training in yoga techniques one can bring new dimensions to life. Not only you can improve your life, but also can make massive amount of earning via yoga practices. Yes, through yoga teacher training one can definitely look for a bright career ahead. Yoga enthusiasts from all across the globe come and join incredibly vibrant yoga teacher training courses and take home a great level of energy to dissipate among other enthusiasts who are willing to grasp yoga lessons. Yoga is not something that can be made learnt easily, rather to convey instructions the yoga instructor has to be desirable. So, to fulfil all the requirements of a yoga teacher you need to get enrolled in a renowned yoga teacher training program.

The yoga teacher training program is an ear to the ground experience that will surely aid you in building a powerful base of internal discipline. This particular training program is an extensive yoga informational program that includes breathing exercises, yoga postures, mantras, meditation, kriyas, chanting, philosophy of yoga, etc. Yoga teacher training courses in India offer wide range of yoga styles and even contemporary techniques of yoga teaching. The teacher training programs work hard to proffer incomparable experience of physical, mental and spiritual wellness. All this has been made possible just because of trained and experienced teachers. The benefit of yoga training program is that it offers you safe and potential learning in the most serene environment under the shelter of competent yoga trainers.

The teaching training programs in India are recognized by leading organization of yoga community. The courses help in the alternation of physical and spiritual levels of a person through comprehensive training aimed at correct body postures, therapeutic healing, asanas and meditation. Yoga is an ancient culture but its impression can be seen prominently in the contemporary lifestyle also. All the conventional form of asanas and mudras are still viable in the country and this is why people come here to practice yoga.

Any individual with reliable certificate can apply for the post of yoga teacher in any of the renowned and premier yoga studios throughout the world. However, the stiff competition in the market has raised the importance of high scores on the certificates. In such a situation, the essentiality of authentic certificates has increased tremendously. Hence, the best alternative in this case would be an effective yoga teaching training course. This will increase your job prospects to a large extent. One of the best ways of choosing a traditional yoga teacher training course is to work hard and look out for some fine alternatives. Enjoy a lot while practicing yoga regularly and making your body a fit one. You could even gain some relaxation through the different poses.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Get Enrolled In An Esteemed Yoga School For Learning Better

Yoga schools are self-less educational bodies that are mainly concerned with delivering appropriate and requisite skills to the yoga lovers. These schools deal in different aspects including yoga courses for the beginners, retreats and yogic healing treatments. The knowledgeable teachers impart the traditional knowledge of the great practice of yoga to the people from all over the globe. Whether you are aimed at becoming a yoga teacher or want to explore the yoga practices, yoga instructors of the schools emphasize on the practice. They firmly believe that every individual needs to grow. The instructors guide the individuals through different phases of learning like they instruct the correct alignment and adjustment of the body towards a particular yoga style. Further, special attention is given to the dietary supplement of the individuals.

Here, at yoga schools teachers try to inculcate a sense of concentration, focus and acceptance, so that you can understand your mind and body. They make you realize your inner strength that help you to grow as a person. All the fundamentals of yogic science are best taught with extra focus on the body alignments. In addition, workshops are also conducted from time to time, so that you can work on key areas that help you to strengthen your physical strength. This is a unique as well as an effective way to learn various intricate aspects of yoga. If you are a scenic lover, then it is an asset for you to learn the deeper facets of yoga at some of the most eye-pleasing locations of the world. It is an additional benefit for you as the natural beauty will help you to concentrate more on your practice.

All the schools associated with traditional yoga practices are concerned with scattering the mystical knowledge of yoga, so that each and every individual present on this planet can realize the wisdom and importance of yoga so that it should not fade in the years to come. This ancient science needs to be learnt under the teachings of skilled instructors so as to embrace everything encompassing yoga practices. Before enrolling in any yoga school, you can check the curriculum of the institution to make out whether the school you are darting at is suitable for your needs or not. These days, all the information is available on the internet, so you don't have to carry the burden of how to find a suitable school for yoga learning. Once you go for yoga training you'll be able to stay fit and healthy all the time.

Usually, all the schools are competent and the courses offered covers all the key aspects of yoga that needs to be taught. So, you don't have to ponder over any other aspect. Make sure to check out the fee structure of the school that you may not have to face the issues afterwards. Many schools also provide the advantage of special courses so that individuals can excel in many other fields.

Why Should You Add Yoga for Your Vitality

Many experts agree that one of the most important keys to good health and vitality is a healthy spine.

To keep yourself feeling balanced and healthy, and to ensure optimal spinal health, you need to consider yoga. However, yoga has a reputation for asking practitioners to bend and twist into pretzel-like knots or to stand on their heads for long periods of time. While there is a bit of accuracy in this viewpoint, the reality is that yoga can be done by a novice and without enrolling in costly classes or crowded fitness rooms.

Yoga 109

To begin understanding yoga means shedding all of those inaccurate ideas about it. It must first be understood as a spiritual technique as well as a series of very formal body movements. It is a great part of a whole body wellness program because the goal of all yoga practice is to blend mind, body, and spirit.

The "yoga" that you might think of when you hear someone say that they do yoga each days is probably the form known as Hatha Yoga, which is also called the "physical path" of yoga. There is also a royal path, a wisdom path, and more.

All varieties of Hatha Yoga use what are known as asanas, or the postures that are so familiar to most people. There is also pranayama, which is the breathing used during yoga. Some forms use mudra or bodily gestures, and some also incorporate shatkarma, which is considered to be a sort of cleansing.

However, if you are going to use yoga for your well being and vitality, you are going to probably emphasize the physical movements, the asanas, and some of the breathing.

Super Strength

The coordination and focus that yoga practice requires is a bit like a meditation. It is impossible to allow the mind to wander when you are focused on synchronizing movements, breathing, and a clear mind.

However, this does not mean that yoga is not a real "workout". It is a form of exercise that strengthens and lengthens muscles, it gives many people bodies that are similar to those of children.

For example, an experienced yoga practitioner can often easily stand on their head, form an arch with their bodies, and maintain a very erect posture without fatigue. This comes from the stretching and strengthening that daily yoga demands.

Because so much of our energy, stamina, and strength can be reduced by a lack of adequate movement in the muscles (which can lead to atrophy of those muscles), it is imperative to incorporate some basic yoga into each day. You will find it feels a bit like being a kid again as you see what your body can do and as you work towards goals. Not only will you give yourself a stronger and longer spine, but a much healthier and longer life too.

Friday, February 14, 2014

7 Important Guideline for Yoga Success

1. Talk with your medical professional and detail exactly what kind of yoga positions you intend to engage in. Program your medical professional images of the positions for image. Your physician might rule out particular positions if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, a record of retinal detachment, or cardiovascular disease. Make sure you follow your physician's referrals.

2. Discover a yoga training that finest fits your capabilities. Speak to potential educators, and determine whether of not you can deal with a program just before you subscribe. It's essential to take it one step at a time. Try a couple of beginner classes before you attempt even more vigerous trainings. Do not move ahead as well quickly. Permit your body to adapt to your exercises.

3. Listen to your physical body and understand your physical capacities. You don't intend to hurt on your own. Ensure the instructor understands your level of experience and any limits you might have. Do not enable any individual to push you in advance also rapidly. Don't forget, this is expected to be fun and relaxing.

4. You could always practice yoga at house if you can not discover a training that meets your needs. There are several books, programs, and tapes readily available to aid you begin. Search for the best appliances online and check out evaluations. Speak to others for recommenations.

5. Why not try personal lessons? You could schedule some one-on-one sessions with an educator in your area. Most yoga trainers offer exclusive courses or can assist you make your very own program. This is an excellent way to buy begun. You could consistently take group sessions or practice in the house after you have actually had exclusive sessions and learned the basics.

6. Locate a yoga buddy. It's nice to practice with someone and it will assist lower injuries. It's likewise a great way to sustain your enthusiasm and passion.

7. Consume gently prior to method. Wait at least two hrs after dishes prior to yoga class or technique.Now it's time to get your floor covering and a towel and obtain the most out of your yoga exercises.

Talk to your doctor and explain exactly what type of yoga presents you intend to engage in. Find a yoga training that ideal matches your capabilities. If you can't discover a training that satisfies your needs, you can consistently exercise yoga at house. A lot of yoga trainers supply private trainings or could help you design your own program. Hang around at least two hrs after dishes just before yoga training or method.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feel The Rhythm Of Your Soul At Yoga Retreat Holiday Destinations

Yoga retreat holiday destinations are the centers where one can find ultimate healing and changeover. There are numberless benefits linked by going to a retreat holiday center. Landing at your resting-place will definitely offer you a sense of tranquility, but this is just the initiation of your spiritual journey. A typical yoga retreat or a yoga getaway is a holiday at some of the finest locations of the world with high emphasis on yoga practices along with other interesting activities.

Retreat centers follow their own practices which are totally in favor of vacationers. But, what are their basic arrangements? Have a look at some of those exclusive preparations that can revitalize your body and spirit with positive energy. You can begin your day with an hour or so of the yoga session aligned with delicious and nutritious vegetarian breakfast, quite possibly of fruits. After this, most of the hours on retreats are filled by the activities that meet your desires like walk at the side of beach, cooking, cycling and many others. Most of the retreats out there allow a person to suggest the time for yoga classes for better wellness itinerary. In addition, retreats also provide the delights of spas and thoughtful analysis of self-discovery.

All the preparations for accommodation are made in an atmosphere where one could lie down in the most comfortable and serene space. For an internal dive, the retreat centers are loaded with spiritual books and other eternal tools. Generally, most of the yoga retreats are arranged in resorts for openness so that effects of yoga can come out effectively. The centers are dominated by people of all age groups and lifestyles. Yoga is such an exercise where your performance is not judged because whatever you do is whatever you can. So, you don't need to be perfect, but focused during the yoga classes. After all, you are on the holiday and you need to make most out of it.

The concept of yoga retreat is just to make people aware with the hidden possibilities that are deep-seated in them. In our daily life, we don't have much time to invest in yoga practice and therefore, the idea of retreats came into the mind. Why not to add the divine science with the vacations? So, here we ultimately reached to retreats. The response to this initiative is tremendous as people prefer to have retreat holidays than their usual holiday spots. All across the globe there are ceaseless retreat centers that are providing priceless opportunity to meet yourself, so it would be wise if you contact your travel agent for retreat holiday. In this way, you can gain peace of mind which is hard to perceive in such hectic lives. Choose the retreat that is meant for your budget and needs.

In What Ways Vinyasa Yoga Can Prove Helpful

Yoga is one of the best forms of retreat, followed by everyone. It makes body fit and maintains a healthy balance between all thoughts within the nervous system. Vinyasa yoga is also a very popular form of yoga. It can be defined as a dynamic movement of body which involves a combination of various progressive postures and breathing exercises. The word vinyasa itself means synchronizing of breath through various movements. It can give many benefits if practiced regularly and here are the all the benefits which you will experience after practicing yoga consistently.

1. Purification of body, internally and externally- Practicing vinyasa yoga purifies the body greatly. All the breathing exercises will definitely make you clean and energetic. Moreover, while practicing different body postures, heat is generated and sweating is occurred and thus all the harmful toxins are wiped away from the skin. It is a major source to deliver efficient nutrients and oxygen to various organs and tissues within the body. The practitioner will definitely feel new and purified after practicing this yoga regularly. So, if you will practice yoga regularly then you will definitely enjoy the benefits of internal as well as external purification.

2. Proper strength development- another benefit attained from practicing vinyasa yoga is great development of physical strength. If a person practices this yoga four times in a week then his physical strength and postural abilities will greatly get improved. He will have required immunity to fight off any kind of chronic disease or harmful infection. Moreover, a research has also reflected that if women practice this form of yoga for at least two years then the inflammation level will remain low within their bodies.

3. Improved focus and balance within thoughts- Once you start practicing yoga regularly you'll be able to get improved focus and balance which will enhance your overall health a great deal. It brings peace to mind and maintains a balance within thoughts. Your focus will definitely get improved with these rhythmic breathing exercises. The energy will get released and all the thoughts will get centralized.

4. Ability to accept - there are many people below and above you while practicing yoga but vinyasa yoga teaches to maintain the focus your own physical and postural abilities. It develops a habit of accepting your own strength at that particular moment. It eliminates frustrations and improves level of practice through self-devotion and self-dedication.

5. Energy level greatly improves within the body- regular practicing of vinyasa yoga greatly improves the level of energy within the body. A person can feel the power to do multiple tasks within a limited period of time. He working efficiency improves greatly. Moreover, energy in mind also develops greatly with physical energy. With the presence of energy in mind, management and purification of thoughts is done very easily.

So, these were the major benefits which you will definitely have after practicing vinyasa yoga regularly. This yoga is formed through an efficient combination of postural and breathing exercises and you can have many physiological and psychological benefits from it.

Some Major Reasons to Go On a Yoga Retreat Centre

Yoga retreats are getting very popular nowadays. By visiting at a yoga center, you get an opportunity to recover from the tiredness and boredom of daily routine works. It's a great source to provide calmness and relaxation to mind as well as body. At a yoga destination, many exercises are taught to provide relaxation from the stress of city life. Most of the these centers are located at the outer parts of the city as their main focus is to provide complete relaxation at soothing place which is far away from daily life. Attending a yoga retreat can provide many useful benefits and here are the major benefits which you can have after joining an efficient yoga center-:

1. No need to be an expert practitioner- the main aim of a yoga center is to provide relief from the stress and tensions of daily life. They teach different helpful exercises to provide relaxation and calmness to mind. They don't give professional training but still, they teach enough to maintain peace within mind. So, it's not necessary to be an expert yoga practitioner for visiting an efficient yoga retreat destination. Any individual with self-devotion can easily become a part of it.

2. Outdoor practice will definitely make you happy- Yoga retreats provide outdoor practice to customers who are willing to keep their mind free from tensions and problems. They allow practicing in plain air and in amid of beautiful scenery as they also know the fact that nature is the best way to practice and learn in a better way. So, if you join a yoga retreat then you will learn various yogic exercises in a beautiful and soothing environment.

3. You will learn about eating mistakes- most of the yoga retreat centers provide ancillary benefits also. They try to expand your eating and other habits efficiently. As a result you will get to know what you have done wrong in the past and how to correct avoid that mistake in the future. Your appetite will definitely get improved through their assistance and support.

4. Progression in practice with the passage of time- After spending sometime at a yoga retreat, you will feel that your exercising skills are improving gradually. Retreat experts does not force towards progression but their teaching techniques brings progression on its own. Yoga is a journey and its skilled are developed with regular practice and passage of time.

5. Clear thoughts within mind- another great benefit which most of the people have after joining a yoga retreat center is clarification of thoughts. With regular practice of efficient exercises in a soothing environment, people deeply understand their self-consciousness and concentrate on the mistakes they have committed in the past. Moreover, their thoughts will get purified and they will find the right to move ahead with their own lives.

So, these were the major benefits which you can have after joining a yoga retreat center. The efficient exercises and soothing environment will eliminate all the stress and tensions very easily.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Some Important Tips to Be an Efficient Yoga Teacher

Yoga is something which is very difficult to learn without an efficient teacher. You can't rectify your own improper postures and exercises without any external support. Presence of a teacher matters a lot in a yoga class. However, becoming a yoga teacher is not an easy task. A person has to develop all the necessary qualities of an efficient yoga. It can be a very time consuming and hectic process. But, if some well-defined tips are followed with consistency then becoming an efficient yoga teacher also becomes very easy. So, here are some tips which can help a lot in becoming a great yoga teacher.

1. Stay a student and never stop learning- the biggest mistake which most of the teachers commit is stopping the learning process. They feel that everything is known to them and there is no further scope for learning. But, that's totally wrong, a good yoga teacher is the one who continues to learn is some or other way. He should read books and should try to learn new postures and exercises. Through this way, he will know about his exact strengths and weaknesses. So, if you want to be a great yoga teacher then be a student and never stop learning. It will keep you humble, compassionate and progressive all the time.

2. Know your students- another great tip to be an efficient yoga teacher is to know the students well. You should understand their needs and habits before beginning their class. Moreover, you should always stay humble with them. This will reflect the real expectations of the students. So, knowing the students is a very essential element of being an efficient teacher.

3. Use Healthy voice and be full of energy- Another essential quality which is must to be developed is high energy level and healthy voice. If you are monotonous and low during the process of teaching then the students will also feel the same way and thus the class of yoga can never prove fruitful. Students carry the habit of learning quickly and your way of doing things and level confidence will get reflected from them. So, in order to be an efficient yoga teacher, always remain full of energy and use creative expressions to teach new postures and yogic techniques to the students.

4. Fun along with teaching- if you are looking to be an efficient yoga teacher then don't overlook the fact of fun. Students will definitely get bored and their interest level will also decrease if yoga is taught continuously. On the other hand, if yoga is taught with a combination of fun exercises then the whole practice session will remain exciting and the students will also feel motivated to learn different yogic exercises. So, always consider fun as an efficient for teaching various yogic exercises.

So, these were the few necessary tips which can help a lot in developing the qualities of an efficient yoga teacher. A good yoga teacher is one of the biggest source of promoting yogic exercises and their benefits in different parts of the world.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Yoga Retreat - Yoga Practice At Its Best

At this moment, people are moving towards yoga retreat centres earnestly in search of wholesome experiences for the sake of mind, body and soul. These exotic centres are embedded into some of the stunning locations of the world. Retreats offer every little thing that you are probing for in order to attain the optimal peak of tranquillity. From routine yoga classes, to focused meditation and philosophic teachings, each and every thing is a piece of cake to perceive. By believing on these wellness centres, you'll be able to focus on stretching your muscles, enhancing your consistency and attaining sheer tranquillity. You need to ensure that you look out for a suitable retreat in the market.

Many retreats are situated at the beach locations presenting a breath-taking scenario for the vacationers. The unparalleled view of the coastline creates an urge to fall deep into the practice of yoga. Many other extracurricular activities like cycling, cooking, photography, etc. are assimilated with the traditional yoga practices to make the retreat vacations more exhilarating. Top-notch spa amenities and soft-shelled healing treatments fall under the menu of yoga retreat centres. As a part of retreat centre, you are free to attend as much yoga classes as you can. Almost every yoga style even your favourite ones including Ashtanga, Vinayasa, Hatha Yoga and many more are guided by the skilled yogis.

The retreat programs are significant in order to detoxify the increased stress levels in the body. Literally, you'll be fuelled with the powerful yoga classes that will help you to get energized with out and out positive vibes. Some delicious delicacies are served which are completely vegetarian for an aesthetic lifestyle. Our life is encircled with uneasy situations and we don't get substantial time to think over our wellness. Generally, business engrossed people look for retreat holidays as not only they get an opportunity to enjoy their vacations, but also reach to a location where they can easily learn the yogic principles and the harmony embedded in them. Yoga retreat holidays are also catered by yoga ashrams for an exceptional tour to the cultural background of yoga.

Yoga holidays are highly desirable all around the globe because most of them are constructed around worthy yoga instructions. All the teachings are quite thoughtful and perfect for the vacationers who have been yearning for a long duration to obtain ultimate restfulness. Search online for some of the most suitable retreat centres for your pleasure and fitness. Currently, fitness is a big issue among people and all that is just because of improper lifestyle, long working hours, wrong eating habits and others. Retreat centres work on each and every unpromising aspect of your life and try to make you recollect all your peaceful moments for a better life ahead. All in all, retreat holidays are incomparable and will always be enduring for the people, leading a gloomy and overburdened life.

Apply These Great Tips To Improve Your Physical Fitness

Choosing to work on your fitness and improving your health is an admirable goal. You need to make sure you have the right advice to help you start out so that you avoid disappointment or injury. Use the advice in this article to help you increase your fitness level the safe and easy way.

In order to maximize your fitness potential when lifting weights, be sure to eat plenty of meat. Meat contains plenty of protein and other nutrients that aid in muscle growth. Lean meat is best, while turkey chicken, and fish are good for you as well. The recommended serving is about 6 ounces a day.

In order to maximize your running fitness, be sure to give yourself a break every six weeks or so. This will allow your body to recover and help to prevent injury. During this break week, it is advisable to not rest completely, but to cut the workload in half.

In order to get the most out of your mountain biking fitness routine, be sure to shift your weight forward when tackling a hill. This will cause more of your weight to be distributed to the front tire and give you more traction. Learn to get a feel for how much you need to distribute, and you'll find that you will have much more success climbing.

Despite what some say about this, do not exercise on an empty stomach. You need fuel in order to exercise and also to avoid passing out which can be dangerous. Even something small, like some fruit and low-fat yogurt, can help make a big difference in your daily workout routine.

Add resistance training to your exercise plan. Resistance training helps build muscle. The more muscle you have in your body, the more quickly and efficiently you can burn calories. Resistance bands or light weights are good options for working out at home. You can also use your own body weight to provide resistance. Exercises, such as push-ups and squats, make your muscles bear the weight of your body and that builds strength.

Keep your goals short and simple as you start on a new fitness program. You can easily overwhelm yourself if, after a lifetime of being a couch potato, you decide you should be able to run 10 miles at full speed on the treadmill. At the beginnin, keep your goals simple. Start out with just a walk for a few minutes every other day. Work up to longer and more frequent walks as you progress.

Try to avoid taking a pain-reliever pill directly after you work out, even if you are in some kind of pain or anticipate it later. Research has shown that these are actually as effective as a placebo when it comes to pain relief associated with post-workout time. They are also believed to suppress muscle growth, so they are best avoided.

If you live near a city, there will be many different events and runs that you can participate in, such as a 5k. Sign up for the next big run in your area and commit yourself to training for it over the next couple of months. This will help increase your motivation and fat burning potential.

Some people think that a weight belt will help them with their workout. While a weight belt helps keep your back and abdominals in line, if you continue to workout with the belt, you will actually weaken these areas. These areas will lose some of the workout that you deliver, so you should try to avoid the belt.

To increase the flexibility of your ankles, sit with your legs fully extended in front of you and point and flex your toes. Do this for at least several minutes to maximize the benefits. Ankle flexibility is a must-have for several sports, including swimming, running and sports that require quick pivots, like basketball or baseball.

It is vital to get the right advice when trying to increase your fitness level. Bad information can be discouraging and may lead to injury. Use the fitness advice you have just read to work on and to meet your fitness goals. This is an investment in you yourself, so get all the information that you need to succeed.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yoga And Pregnancy - How These Two Different Aspects Bring Joy For The Next 9 Months In Your Life?

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase in any woman's life. However, pregnancy can really bother you a lot. But let me tell you that there is no need to be in such a dilemmatic state because pregnancy is a blessing showered on you as you are going to bring the most beautiful gift of God on earth and that is 'life'. You all must be thinking that pregnancy is a delicate situation and how can you manage with yoga sessions, where a lot of physical activity is required. The first question that pops up the mind of every woman who reaches a yoga practitioner, "is it secure to perform yoga?" Well, most of you out there must be under the notion that it is surely unsafe to indulge in yoga during gestation period.

However, it is a proved thing that yoga is an essential requirement during pregnancy. Yoga and pregnancy are the two complementary aspects which cannot be neglected. Still you don't believe me? In this article, I am going to describe three most important reasons why any pregnant woman would be doing yoga in this 'tender phase'.

Amazing practice for you and your baby

It is important for women to realize the fact that all the poses and asanas will not harm your baby at all. By staying physically fit, you will be able to create a lively and healthy environment around your baby. If you are physically fit, it will help in fluid retention thereby making your baby feel relaxed and comfortable.

Meditation is also a part of yoga that helps to keep the body and mind calm and composed. Would be mothers can keep their mood swinging and emotional eruption far away. Mothers who have exercised yoga are able to withstand the duties and requirements of motherhood quite easily and also set aside the depression from their life.

Provide energy and courage for the big time (labour)

Yoga is a powerful remedy that will make you tough mentally to face your final trimester. All those exercises and stretches will aid you during those difficult final hours. Women who have exercised yoga during their pregnancy phase have a more stretchable body and better control over breathing that help them to tackle the labour pain easily.

Yoga helps to reduce weight after delivery

Women who involve themselves in yoga during pregnancy remain finer during their delicate phase and most of the acquired weight is lost easily after delivery. Further, they don't have to face the pain of a baby belly later. In plain terms, you can remain internally fit and can come to your original physique swiftly.

In a nutshell, yoga with all its goodness can take you far away. You just have to eat correct and remain happy to feel the perks of this great practice during your blessed phase of life. The only thing that needs precaution is your practice under experienced yoga trainer. Stay healthy and beautiful!