Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Drama of a Yoga School As a Business

So, you want to open a yoga school? The popularity of yoga is a huge incentive for people of all walks of life to become a yoga teacher, teach as an independent contractor, start a yoga school, or leave their day jobs behind. However, what looks easy to many people needs some planning. Businesses open and close in a few months because of bad locations, no business plan, there are not enough funds to sustain a start up, marketing budgets, and many more possibilities.

Obtaining Certification

According to industry standard, the first step on your journey to launching your own yoga school should be to obtain certification as an instructor from an accredited institution. Becoming certified usually means that you are in for a big education. For years, nobody was certified until yoga instructors realized that they could be sued. That's right - in some countries, suing is like the lottery. Today is your lucky day, because you can sue anybody for anything. Lawyers love it, while some people diligently plan and scheme for their opportunity to take anybody to court.

What can yoga instructors do? Get certified, get covered by a liability insurance company, and establish a track record of safe procedures in your classes. Registration is an option, but it's not often required for liability insurance. To be honest, some teachers (who are not certified or registered) have sports liability insurance coverage. However, certification does show that you are formally educated in safely teaching yoga classes. So, that does build your credibility as a yoga teacher who cares about student safety.

Create A Plan Of Action

Once you are certified, research the fees charged for yoga instruction in your demographic, to stay competitive and create a plan of action! In addition, you must decide if you would like to be the sole proprietor of your yoga school, be a partner, incorporate or run a limited liability company. It is essential to work out the details of this part of the business since new instructors income may vary from $30,000 to $70,000 a year. As a sole proprietor, you can build a private clientele to gain exposure and build rapport that may actually prove more lucrative.

There is also the option to be an independent contractor. As an independent contractor you can work as a sole proprietor from an existing building, such as a private health club, or fitness center, with a built-in clientele, to avoid the overhead costs associated with renting your own building and paying for staff. You will also need to determine what type of yoga you will teach at your school and specialize in that. In a health club, people want to achieve different things through yoga and may not choose to participate in yogic breathing or meditation, but may prefer the physical flexibility and strength training aspect of this discipline instead. Popular yoga workouts for fitness centers include Vinyasa, Hot Yoga, Ashtanga and Power Yoga.

Where's the Drama?

Regardless of the path a yoga business takes, there are some key factors to be mindful of: Seek the credentials and licenses needed to get started, choose a plan of marketing, the type of yoga that will best suit your clients, and carefully advertise your business based on your chosen discipline. In addition, purchase insurance that covers the type of yoga school you are running, to protect yourself legally.

True to ancient yogic philosophy, it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to make any business a reality. Beyond the poses, meditation, spiritual enlightenment, mantras, and breathing exercises, yoga has become increasingly trendy, and is now an industry, according to the New York Times. The drama is the daily management of time, energy, personalities, and money. If you think becoming a yoga teacher has nothing to do with business, you will be in for a big surprise.

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